December 21, 2023

6 Things Organized People Do That You (Probably) Don't Do

Chris Manderino
Goal Planning

Ever wondered how some people seem to have it all together while you're struggling to find your keys? Have you ever pondered how some individuals appear to have everything in order while you battle to find your keys?

The truth is, organized folks don’t just wake up with everything in place. They cultivate habits and adopt principles that keep their lives running smoothly. And guess what? These are not secrets or magic tricks - anyone can learn them.

We’re going to dive into these 6 things organized people do that you (probably) don't do, and show you how incorporating them into your routine could make a world of difference. Ready?

1. The Art of Organizing Information: The Secret Sauce to Success

Have you ever pondered why certain people appear to have a natural aptitude for remembering all the details? 

Well, the truth is, they don't. 

Organized individuals understand the limitations of memory and instead rely on systems that make information easily accessible and searchable. They embrace digital tools like Evernote, OneNote, and Google Drive. These platforms offer more than just storage; they enhance data retrieval with features such as keyword search, categorization, and tagging.

Digital Tools that Enhance Organization Skills

Let's take a closer look at these tools:

  • Evernote: This tool is a favorite among organized individuals because it allows for quick retrieval of notes using keywords or tags.
  • OneNote: Microsoft's note-taking app provides similar functionality and seamlessly integrates with other Office applications. If you utilize Word or Excel documents often, OneNote could be the ideal tool for you.
  • Google Drive: This comprehensive suite goes beyond note-taking by offering cloud-based storage across multiple devices, ensuring your information is accessible and secure.

These tools need to do three things:

  1. The tool doesn’t lose your data. This rules your brain, you’ll always forget stuff. And it rules out any sticky notes you’ve been using to keep track of things.
  2. The tool needs to be easily accessible. If you can’t easily and quickly use your tool when you need it, then it isn't a good tool.
  3. The tool should be organized and searchable. If you can’t find what you need at the right time, that’s not good for your productivity.

If you’ve got these three things down, then it doesn’t matter which tool you use.

2. The Power of Labeling

Labeling items is a powerful tool in the organized individual's toolkit. Beyond cleaning up, labeling items can provide an efficient system to help identify and quickly access less-frequently used objects.

This strategic system, often overlooked, makes identifying and retrieving things as smooth as butter - especially when we're talking about those not frequently used items. "Absence makes the heart forget."

Streamlining Identification with Labels

How do you keep track of everything? Easy-peasy – make sure every item has its spot and slap on a label for good measure.

We all have those less frequently used items that seem to disappear into thin air when we need them most. And this is where labels save the day. They are like little signposts guiding us straight to our destination without detours or delays.

Besides being time-savers, labels also serve another crucial role: stress busters. Imagine having guests over and trying to find that fancy dinner set you use once in a blue moon... Without labels? Panic mode activated. With labels? Cool as a cucumber.

And guess what else benefits from labeling habits apart from your peace of mind and saved time - our planet. Yep, you heard right. Think recycling bins at home or workspaces marked clearly for different waste types. Properly labeled bins can help guide everyone towards more sustainable practices.

To wrap it up (no pun intended), labeling might seem like an extra step but trust me – it’s worth every second spent doing it.

3. Building a Mindfulness Loop: A Tool for Organized Living

The art of organization isn't just about tidy spaces and punctual schedules. Being conscious of the different connections in your life, both individual and professional, is an integral part of organization. The mindfulness loop plays a crucial role in achieving this.

A mindfulness loop is like having a diligent secretary inside your mind, keeping track of all that matters.

In essence, it's not just about remembering tasks, but also staying conscious of their impact on our lives.

Cultivating Awareness through Mindfulness Loops

Awareness is key to effectively managing multiple aspects of life without feeling overwhelmed. So, how do we cultivate this awareness?

  • We begin by establishing an internal reminder system - the mindfulness loop.
  • This system prompts us to regularly check on various dependencies.
  • With consistent practice, we can avoid overlooking important responsibilities and effortlessly maintain organization.

Benefits Unleashed with Regular Checks on Dependencies

There are a plethora of benefits associated with regular checks using mindfulness loops:

  1. Better anticipation and management of potential issues before they escalate into significant problems.
  2. Reduced stress levels due to improved problem-solving abilities.
  3. A balanced work-life dynamic resulting from proactive dependency management.

Maintaining a mindfulness loop not only enhances focus but also boosts overall productivity. Remember - outsmarting chaos starts within.

4. Embracing the Principle "Two is One, One is None"

"Two is one, one is none" - an adage followed by those who excel in organization. This principle emphasizes the importance of backups for essential items. Imagine having only a single key to your house or car and losing it; you're left with nothing.

This mantra applies not only to physical possessions but also to digital assets. It's like creating a safety net that cushions against unforeseen circumstances and ensures continuity even when things go awry.

Backups in Daily Life: More Than Just Copies

In our day-to-day lives, this principle manifests itself in various ways - from keeping spare batteries while traveling to maintaining copies of important documents at different locations. The aim? To keep stress at bay during unexpected mishaps and boost productivity levels (Good Life Goals).

The practice not only prevents unpleasant surprises but also encourages proactive behavior – another trait commonly seen among highly organized individuals worldwide (James Clear).

Digital Backups: A Necessity Not An Option

Moving beyond tangible objects, this philosophy holds true for digital files as well. Regular data backup can save us from significant losses caused by issues such as hardware failure or data corruption (PC World). In essence, it’s about building redundancy into our lives so we’re never caught off guard.

Remembering "two is one; one is none" isn’t merely about duplicating everything—it’s more about preparing ourselves better for uncertainties and disruptions—a characteristic inherent among highly organized people globally (James Clear).

5. Personalizing Setup Based on Experience

Setting up an environment based on experience and experimentation is a secret weapon for those with top-notch organization skills. This means customizing your space to sync perfectly with your unique habits, needs, and desires.

This isn't about following the crowd or copying someone else's method. It's about using personal experiences as a guidepost for creating an optimal work or living environment that boosts productivity and efficiency.

Leveraging Personal Experiences in Organizational Systems

Your past experiences offer valuable insights into how you interact best with your surroundings. They reveal patterns and preferences that can be harnessed when setting up environments conducive to getting things done efficiently.

For instance, if you've noticed that clutter distracts you from focusing on tasks at hand, keeping a clean workspace becomes non-negotiable in your setup strategy.

Finding Your Groove Through Experimentation

Experimenting allows us to identify what works best individually rather than blindly adopting popular norms without considering their relevance or effectiveness in our specific situations. The aim here is not just finding solutions but finding ones tailored specifically for us - our personalized approach to organization.

A Strategy Rooted In Individuality:
  • If there’s one thing we’ve learned from organized individuals it’s this: Setting up environments based on personal experience trumps all other methods. It leads not only towards better organizational skills but also improves overall quality of life through routines tailored just right for each individual.
Navigating Success Through Trial-and-Error:
  • The journey may involve some trial-and-error; however, these stumbles are stepping stones leading towards discovering strategies yielding optimal results. Don’t shy away from experimenting until you find what suits YOU best.
Moving Beyond Established Norms:
  • Don't just settle for off-the-shelf solutions pushed by others, dare to be different. Draw on past experiences to devise a plan that's totally unique. After all, the secret is in crafting strategies that truly fit.

Key Takeaway

Organized people leverage their past experiences and personal preferences to tailor-make an environment that enhances productivity. They don't just blindly follow popular norms but instead, experiment until they find a setup strategy that suits them best. Remember, the key is not about fitting into a mold but creating one that fits you.

6. Embracing the Mise en Place Concept for Efficiency

Mise en place - it's a term that originates from the culinary world, but its applications are universal. It means everything in its rightful place, ready to be used efficiently.

Think about the time saved when you don't have to search for misplaced items. That's where the value of mise en place comes into play. It makes your working environment efficient, and as a result, productivity soars.

The Universal Value of Mise En Place

You might associate mise en place with professional kitchens, but let me tell you – it’s much more than that. This concept has wide-ranging implications, from personal goals to workspace organization.

No more wasted minutes searching for things; no more disruptions due to disarray. With mise en place, you can experience smooth operations and achieve better results, whether at work or when pursuing personal projects.

Making Mise En Place Your Second Nature

To truly embrace mise en place principles, careful planning and consistent action are required. Start by identifying all the tools necessary for each task and arrange them logically within easy reach before diving into any activity.

This practice may take some effort initially, similar to setting up good habits on our website (which we won’t link here), but it pays off immensely in the long term. It streamlines processes and significantly boosts productivity levels over time.

Fostering an Efficient Working Environment With Mise En Place

An organized workspace is synonymous with an efficient working environment. It saves valuable resources such as time and energy while promoting focus by minimizing distractions around us.

  • A Clear Path Towards Goals:
    With physical clutter out of sight (and mental clutter minimized), achieving desired outcomes becomes swifter without compromising quality.
  • Better Focus & Productivity:
    An organized space promotes clear thinking, which in turn leads to enhanced concentration levels, driving improved performance.

Key Takeaway:

Get your ducks in order with the mise en place concept - it's not just for chefs. This principle of having everything in its rightful place saves you from wasting time searching for items and boosts productivity. It might take some elbow grease to start, but once it becomes second nature, you'll notice smoother operations and improved focus.


So, you've discovered the 6 things organized people do that you probably don't. It's a revelation, isn't it?

  1. The art of organizing information is their secret weapon.
  2. They're pros at labeling everything in sight.
  3. A mindfulness loop? They have one running non-stop!
  4. "Two is one and one is none" - this mantra guides them every day.
  5. Personalizing their environment based on experience makes all the difference to them.
  6. Mise en place - they live by it for efficiency's sake!

Are you ready to level up your organization game now?

At Good Life Goals, we can help turn these insights into habits.

Our goal-setting platform offers tools and resources designed with these principles in mind.

Don’t just read about what organized people do – become an organized person yourself!

Start setting goals towards becoming more efficient and stress-free today.

Join us at Good Life Goals, where achieving your dreams starts with getting organized!